Today we officially merged with the Vanitas no Carte Wiki! Thank you guys for voting!
Honestly? Gano and Paldence
Vanitas liking Jeanne doesn't mean he can't like men as well ^^ And considering he has been flirty with Noé in the past, I don't see why not!
When we have a good number of votes! 6 is still too low, unfortunately
It has been deleted already because of the merge, but the poll was in the old VnC wiki discussion page.
Today we officially merged with the Vanitas no Carte Wiki! Thank you guys for voting!
I have thought about this! But I think it's very likely that Vani will ask Noé to kill him, just like Louis did, but this time Noé will do it! I think it would tie the parallels between Louis and Vani really well 🥺 it would also be extra painful :')
I like this especially because in one of the flashforwards, we see Vani telling Noé that even if he's no longer there he won't die, and I saw that as a form of Vani trying to comfort him
15 Votes in Poll
The use of past/present tense in character pages has been a concern of mine and of other users for some time now. A poll was suggested by another admin, so here we go!
As another user said, a lot of us find it easier to write plot sections and pages for living characters in the present tense. This is how most of us were taught to summarize literature in school. Currently, the rule is that Pandora Hearts characters should be discussed in the past tense, and Vanitas no Carte characters should be discussed in the past tense only if they are deceased.
The problem with our current rules is the spoiler factor. The use of past tense in the case of certain characters but not in the case of others can be a MASSIVE spoiler, as we would instantly which characters have died or not, based on the tense used. Also, by allowing for the use of present tense in the case of a "living" character, one is forced to define "living," which is difficult in the case of characters who are never explicitly stated to be dead but which can be assumed as much (for example, Philippe).
With that in mind, we have a few options:
All character pages in the present tense regardless of status;
In this case, the history sections would continue being in the past, as normal.
Present tense for all alive characters, and past tense for all deceased;
In this case, it would be regardless of series, whether it's PH, VnC, or CS. The history sections would continue being in the past, as normal.
Present tense for all characters, except for those already deceased by the time that the story started;
In this case, for example, Vincent's page would be in the present tense, while Lacie's would be in the past tense. The history sections would continue being in the past, as normal.
Current rules — PH characters in past tense, present tense for VnC and CS characters unless they are deceased.
In this case, we continue enforcing the current rules.
Please consider these options carefully!
Thank you.
@13octopus @Kitsunes97 Can we take a poll to reconsider the tense used in articles? I truly believe that using past tense for deceased characters can be a massive spoiler.
Just like it has been pointed out before, it's easier to write pages if we could just stick to present tense, regardless of the character's status, or at least for characters that weren't already deceased by the time that the story started. So, for example, Oz's page could be in the present tense, while Lacie's would be in the past tense.
Another alternative would be to keep the introduction in the present, and the history page in the past tense.
This way, we can keep the Wiki articles uniform and consistent between series.
@13octopus yeah, a poll would be nice!
@13octopus In the manual of style, it's said that we should write all VnC articles in present tense except for deceased characters, so following your reasoning, wouldn't that eventually be a massive spoiler as well? :0
I meant in the dropdown menu! Along with the other categories
Oh I see... Still, shouldn't we make it easier to find? Like adding a link to the list of characters in the dropdown menu
I couldn't help but notice that the current separation for Vnc doesn't include all characters. As of now, we have:
However, we also have characters that do not fit any of those descriptions, like Vanitas, the main character.
So far, the only humans we know are Vanitas, Misha, and Moreau, but I think we should add a "Human" section before more characters appear.