I think it may due to reformat the character infoboxes to reduce their density. The infoboxes for both VnC and PH characters are dense with information such that information is unnecessary and at times inconsistent.
In short, I am proposing that we remove information from infoboxes that qualifies as more than a brief statistical overview- anything that is subjective, or has ambiguous meaning. We should remove portions that are unknown and likely to remain unknown for most characters. We should also remove any information that can be gleaned simply by looking at characters. The culling of these instances would make infoboxes easier to read and navigate, as well as raising a standard of quality by not "canonizing" inconsistent details.
Firstly, it's unnecessary to list the physical features (hair, eye color, etc.) in an infobox for characters from what is already a visual medium. There are a number of problems with this as well- not every character has canon eye/hair colors, to start. Due to the nature of color theory and how Mochizuki's coloring style works, not every character is drawn with completely consistent hair/eye colors- for example, Gil and Vanitas both have black hair, but are sometimes drawn with blue hair for stylistic purposes. Alice's hair is at times color as brown, and at times as black. Elliot's hair has been rendered both as a sort of gray-brown and as simply silver. It also makes infoboxes harder to navigate. This information should be confined to the "appearance" section of the character's wiki page.
Secondly, many listed items ("occupation," "place of residency," "partner" etc.) are not facts we know about most characters or can be said to ever know. The qualities of "occupation" and "partner" are also extremely vaguely defined. Noé, for example is... a bodyguard? A researcher? A student? All are titles that apply to him, but his only real, canonical "occupation" is a part time job as a waiter. "Partner" can mean anything from "lover" to "coworker," and there seems to be no consistent definition for this word across the wiki. Saying Chloé's relationship with Jean Jacques is the same as Vanitas' relationship with Dante is absurd, yet their infoboxes categorize both as "partners." In addition, many characters do not have counterparts we can clearly declare are "partners," and we cannot expect they ever will be declared as partners. This information should be confined to other parts of the page, such as their background or relationships.
My third grievance is just a nitpick, but I recommend we change the terminology from "race" (on VnC infoboxes) and "species" (on PH infoboxes) to "fantasy race." This is more standard across wikis and distinguishes between allegorical or fantastical "racial" divides and the implications of real world race. It's also worth noting that Baskervilles and humans in PH are not separate species- Baskervilles are only ascended humans, born as humans and giving birth to humans (in the case of Alice).