Jun Mochizuki Wiki
Jun Mochizuki Wiki

Since I am an official bureaucrat and administrator as of April 21st, 2021, I figured it would be best to make a formal To-Do List consisting of my desired projects and intentions for the wiki as a whole. This To-Do List is to serve multiple functions: first and foremost, it is for personal organization- but also, it is a means of transparency for both my co-bureaucrat and for the editor population of this wiki as a whole. Some of these listed items are my intended projects as a normal editor- ones which don't require special permissions or abilities to carry out. Those will be listed first. Yet other projects will require additional permissions and have a greater impact on the wiki as a whole, which will be listed separately as Administrator projects.

As mentioned on my profile, Chiya ConsumerOfAwesome is a friend of mine and it is my intention to get his help as I work through the wiki, given his proficiency in CSS (at least relative to myself). If a project involves coding or source rewriting, it will probably involve him, though he does not have administrator permissions.

This blog post will continually update as I complete more tasks and find more work in need of doing. If you want to know what I'm up to, check back often.

If you wish to contact me, please post on my Message Wall. I will be happy to get back to you and work with you to the best of my ability.

As an Editor[]

Short Term[]

  • Find grammar/spelling/prose errors in already rewritten articles.
  • Add citations to rewritten introduction articles.
    • See above for order.
  • Revise certain lore articles (I.E. Glen Baskerville, Children of Ill Omen).
  • Fix broken links.
  • Add a few Wanted Pages.
  • A LOT of "Relationship" pages are obviously biased and in need of revision.
    • As a reminder: do not push your ship in "relationship" pages. Don't try to push any agenda either- even if certain subtext makes you uncomfortable, you are not to deliberately mislead wiki readers regarding its presence.

Medium Term[]

  • Rewrite remaining summaries and appearance sections for PH/VnC characters.
  • Replace infobox images with consistently sized color images.

Long Term[]

  • Fill out "List of Historical, Mythological, and Artistic References in the Case Study of Vanitas" page.
  • Rewrite History and Relationship sections for PH/VnC characters.
  • Reformat Categories to better accommodate the presence of series other than Pandora Hearts.
    • For example, "human" in Pandora Hearts has different implications than "human" in The Case Study of Vanitas.
    • It seems silly that there is no separate category for VnC and PH terms.
    • Etc.
  • Reupload high quality chapter images/clean text.
    • This one will take a long time and is a relatively low priority.

As an Adminstrator[]

Short Term[]

  • Reformat Front Page with new images/more aesthetic presentation.
    • This is mostly done. I'm still trying to figure out how background images on Fandom work (the guide the site provides is... not especially helpful).
  • Work through if there are any pages that ought to be renamed. I will talk to Kitsunes97 about this. These are very minor revisions that I don't feel very strongly about, but I'm putting them here for transparency's sake.
    • I don't think it makes sense for Alice's page to be "Alice Baskerville" when A. Alice is not a Baskerville, B. No actual Baskervilles have 'Baskerville' in their article name, despite "Baskerville" being used as a proper last name multiple times (in the case of Leo Baskerville, Lacie Baskerville, Gilbert and Vincent Baskerville, etc.), and C. It creates an (admittedly minor) spoiler in the article name, which I think is a bad idea in general.
    • "Demios the Executioner" and "Albus the White Knight" are named such because of a misinterpretation of how their name is rendered in Japanese. For consistency's sake, they probably should just be "Demios" and "Albus."
    • This is petty and pedantic. Don't attach too much weight to this part.
  • Rewrite wiki About.

Medium Term[]

  • Rehaul Character Infobox templates to be more succinct and aesthetic.
    • This is underway.
  • Add spoiler templates.
    • The spoiler template for Pandora Hearts is here.
    • We are working on collapsible spoiler templates.
    • The spoiler template for The Case Study of Vanitas is to be made.
    • I'm not sure if I'll make a Crimson-Shell spoiler template. Given the story is only a single volume, I don't think spoiler templates are really necessary.

Long Term[]

  • TBA


  • Remove vulgar/offensive comments.
    • I've removed several already, if you want an idea of what "vulgar/offensive" means. In essence, a vulgar/offensive comment:
      • Contains bad language (such as swearing or explicit reference to sex/sex organs in a non-academic manner)
      • Does not contribute to discussion
      • Make the wiki a more hostile place.
    • I will NOT remove comments simply because I dislike their contents or find them in poor taste (I assure you, I've seen plenty.)


  • Migrate infoboxes hosted on pages separate from a given character's wiki page, such that they work as an inserted template directly on a given character's wiki page.
  • Add complete references to the following introduction pages:
  • Rewrite Policy in accordance with user wishes and modern wiki needs.