Alright, so the transition between LXVI and LXVII was a lot shorter than I expected, not that it's a bad thing.
So now we've met Arthur Barma, who doesn't appear to be much like Rufus has described so far, a little skiddish if you ask me. Now I'm waiting for Raymond to appear again, last time he got two seconds of screen time and no dialogue, but I think he'll be a lot like Elliot when we meet him.
Also, not used to the Humpty Dumpty Glen O.o I mean those eyes are so creepy, all pupil and such, he's not so bad when he's in Oswald :p I wonder if Oswald actually does have feelings for Jack? And Miranda's head fetish is just... O.o Someone else on another forum came up with the theory that when she was dragged into the Abyss along with Sablier, that she became Demios, because people turn into chains in the Abyss. The way that their personalities mirror one another, I can't say I'd be overly surprised.
Now, seeing as how Glen seems to care for his servants as he was previously described i can't see him just intruding on Oswald and taking his body. I think that Miranda's going to make an attempt for Oswald's head like she'd said, Oswald will be fatally wounded, but Glen comes in and saves the day by inhabiting his body to keep Oswald alive in a way. I still think that Oswald and Oz are going to have a connection somehow, maybe Oz is really decended from Oswald and not the Vessaliuses and that's why he might not be the real Oz Vessalius. Idk :p I'm just ranting.
I'm thinking the next chapter or two is where we finally meet Raymond again and Celia. My theory is that Celia is Lacie's sister, just because of the anagram thing. Also Gilbert and Vincent better be coming soon, and I'd like some ellaboration on The Hag as well. Please Jun :)
So if Lotti had a crush on Glen and she was flashing back to his last body, does that mean she had a crush on Oswald? Or was she just not around when Oswald was Oswald? I hope we see more Lily and Doug (hopefully with his hood down for once?) and Fang (who I miss terribly DX ) And again even though Raymond was with Jack and Miranda (who have now been confirmed to have conspired together) when the Tragedy happened, I doubt he's a traitor like the rumours say, I think he goes all Elliot on us and Jack screws it up royally for the Nightrays.
Also if Glen's transferring into Oswald, does that mean we'll see the Five? Owl!?!?! Sooooo desparate to see Owl :p Rant mode: Off.